Build a new mobile app for 500,000 superannuation members.
"Rob's work was top notch and he was fab to work with. Highly recommend!
Lyndon Horsburgh
Creative Content Lead @ UniSuper
Onboarding screens
UniSuper is one of Australia's award-winning superannuation funds. Its investment strategy has steadily been on an upward path for a wee while, but its digital presence had a big app-shaped hole in it. In 2021, senior management decided it was time to fill that hole and build an app.
That's where I came in.
Process map: how I created, managed and approved content
How did we get here?
UniSuper already had a member portal and data on how people were using it. There was already a pile of user research on what members were doing in their online accounts. Plus a competitor analysis of the challenges other funds faced in their app builds. So that's where I started. Getting a feel for where, how and why a project has landed is my first move on any new project, big or small.
From desktop to mobile
Because finance is a highly regulated industry, digital experiences can get messy with legal jargon and disclaimers. UniSuper was no exception. In the existing member portal, I found long-winded disclaimers stuffed wherever they'd fit. Space wasn't an issue because it was a desktop-first platform. The app was a different story.
Disclaimer examples from the existing portal (not my work)
The question I wanted to answer...
If we need to use a legal or jargon-heavy disclaimer, can we create a consistent pattern that presents the disclaimer in a mobile-friendly way? And how are we going to do it?
The fun part
The obvious place to put legal disclaimers was in tooltips. But with our design pattern, tooltips were already doing heavy lifting. And I wanted to keep them useful, not a dumping ground for legal requirements. Because this was a content problem, it was my job to squeeze the ol' brain juices and come up with some ideas for what we might do.
Blame law school & its 3-hour handwritten exams for my abysmal handwriting
Refinement's always collaborative. Here's what I found when I tested my ideas with the teams:
Sometimes you can lead with user-centred design AND keep legal happy – go figure
*throws (biodegradable) confetti*
Finally, after a few laps with various stakeholders, we landed on a good (ie, my preferred) solution: hide icky content behind a hyperlink that triggers a second tooltip overlay.
The second overlay gave us another option to include meaty information and keep it proximate to the abridged, user-first (instead of legal-first) content. It meant we could meet legal requirements without sacrificing the user experience.
Tooltip flow: using content to solve problems with design
Disclaimers & tooltips: balancing legal requirements with helpful UX
The style guide is where I look first to make decisions about form, style, syntax, word choice, etc. But style guides only take you so far. And this was a new app so I was in unchartered waters.
Here's what got me through...
Acronyms aren't accessible and full words can make content easier to scan
Different context, different message tone
A voice map I created to guide messaging (based on the original voice guidelines)
Consistency happens in the small decisions
Consistency. Is. King.
I wanted to capture decisions I made on the fly and feed them back into the broader guide. It's a work in progress but these were some bits I passed on to the team.
General guidelines to integrate UX-writing principles into the guide
Error messaging 101
When you think you're right,
you're probably wrong
With tight sprint deadlines and a fully allocated budget, testing was limited. But I did connect with our researcher for some qualitative testing on our major features. I wanted to see how familiar members were with product names and industry terms. We got some insights that were (unsurprisingly) surprising.
In the interviews, 8 out of 10 members got stuck on this phrase
I found the word 'options' ambiguous; our members didn't
One assumption was correct: members had no idea what products they were in
First of all, I learned a metric shit-tonne about superannuation and how it operates in Australia. I consider myself lucky when I can get elbow-deep in a new industry. It's a perk of the job I value.
Workflows matter
In big projects like this, I've found design teams can sometimes be intentionally isolated from project-management stuff. Reasoning: isolation helps us focus and get our butts into gear. Alas, sometimes it also means we fall out of sync with other teams, like external agencies responsible for the developing/engineering.
I usually like to have a good grip on the broader delivery flow. But that wasn't always possible with the way this project was set up. Although this didn't affect my own work too much, it did have knock-on effects that meant work was sometimes duplicated unnecessarily across teams. If I had my chance again, I'd have made more of an effort (and probably been a bit pushier) to learn how the agency was developing in parallel to our in-house team.
No source of truth
= source-of-pain-in-the-butt
About 95% of my work was done straight in Figma. During the stakeholder-feedback sessions, I took the Figma content and copied it into Word docs so stakeholders could leave comments and make edits. All the while, business analysts copied the content into user stories in Jira.
Building and maintaining a singular up-to-date repository of content that everyone everywhere agrees is the single source of truth probably isn't worth the effort. But agreeing on a source of truth specific to delivery workflows has the same properties as aspirin: big-time headache relief.
That's a wrap
Overall this was a super interesting project to work on with a group of super talented and pleasant people. If any of the work I produced is even half-decent, it's because I was surrounded by a great team.
*if I ever say "learnings" unironically, poke my eye